The Foundation Year Programme offers more than just academic study; it can also be a thrilling and demanding experience. Students can enjoy attending classes, preparing for exams, socializing with friends, and engaging in extracurricular activities. University life is an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery, where students learn to handle life’s challenges and acquire the essential skills to excel in their future careers. Check out the events and activities some of our students have participated in.

GUbridge hosted another season of GUfest on December 17, 2024, celebrating creativity, learning, and community engagement. The event was carefully crafted to showcase the talents and skills of students from various universities and colleges, promote collaboration, and offer opportunities for creating memorable experiences while highlighting excellence across multiple fields.

On December 3, 2024, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was formally signed with Muscat University to strengthen collaboration and establish benchmarking for the foundation program.

An MoU was signed between the German University of Technology in Oman and the Scientific College of Design on April 24, 2024. The first benchmarking session took place on November 27, 2024, focusing on key areas such as curriculum design, entry and exit standards, assessment methods and moderation, teaching quality, and remedial classes.

A general and academic orientation was held on September 17 to 19, 2024 for all the new foundation year students. The academic orientation introduced the students to courses in Foundation Programme. The general orientation introduced the students to academic life, student services, IT services, RSA, library, finance, and health and safety.

On May 22, 2024, Oman Health College Sciences visited GUbridge to compare curriculums, entry and exit standards, assessments, student advising, and student support. We had a fruitful discussion and exchange of ideas regarding our respective approaches to these key aspects of education. The visit provided an excellent opportunity for sharing best practices and learning from each other’s experiences.

On February 15, 2024, we held a teaching and learning plan (TLP) workshop that was facilitated by GUbridge. The focus of the workshop was on setting key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals within the TLP framework. The workshop was attended by GUbridge staff, who were grouped according to their respective areas within the TLP. Dr. Alma Enriquez, the Associate Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs provided valuable insights and guidance on how to effectively establish KPIs and goals, and the workshop was an important opportunity for staff to enhance their understanding of this critical aspect of the TLP process.

During our second benchmarking session with the University of Nizwa, GUbridge visited their campus in Nizwa. We engaged in fruitful discussions on various topics including teaching and learning, graduate attributes, entry and exit standards, student progression and retention, and the role of quality assurance in education. Moreover, we had the opportunity to take a campus tour where we were shown their Anjiz writing center. The visit was insightful and provided valuable insights for both institutions.

On the 14th of January 2024, a benchmarking visit was conducted between the University of Nizwa’s Foundation Institute and GUbridge. The primary focus of the benchmarking was on the curriculum, entry and exit standards, assessments, teaching, and learning processes.

Prior to the visit, both institutions signed a memorandum of understanding to formalize their commitment to the benchmarking process. The visit aimed to facilitate knowledge sharing and best practice exchange between the two institutions.

During the benchmarking visit, representatives from both institutions had the opportunity to observe and evaluate each other’s curriculum structure, entry and exit standards, assessment methodologies, and teaching and learning strategies. The visit provided a platform for open discussions and the exchange of ideas to enhance the quality of education delivery.

The benchmarking visit proved to be highly beneficial, as it allowed both institutions to gain valuable insights and perspectives for further improvement. It also laid the groundwork for potential future collaborations and partnerships in the field of education.

Overall, the benchmarking visit was a significant step towards fostering mutual growth and development in the academic arena. Both the University of Nizwa’s Foundation Institute and GUbridge look forward to continuing this exchange of knowledge and expertise to further elevate the standards of education.

GU-Foundation Fest – An annual inter-collegiate academic festival that brings together talented students from universities and colleges across Muscat to showcase their academic skills and connect with their peers by participating in English, Math, and IT activities, and exhibitions.

Mazoon College representatives visited GUbridge to gain insights into the curriculum, entry and exit standards, structure of the foundation programme, assessment methods, student support, and the student advising system. This visit aimed to understand the academic framework and support services offered by GUbridge and explore potential collaboration opportunities between the two institutions. Discussions with faculty and administration provided valuable information and fostered a collaborative spirit between Mazoon College and GUbridge.

Three students got 1000 points in IC3 GS5 Key Applications examination in Winter Semester 2022. A ceremony was held on Jan 17, 2022 to award Ahid Al Balushi, Faisal Al Tobi, and Yazan Al Alawi. The certificates of recognition were awarded by Ms. Nawal Jawad (Head of GUbridge), Mr. Revinson Martin, Mr. Ferdinand Marcelo, and Mr. Ali Al Abri.

Math Club organized a Sudoku competition opened to all GUtech students. It was held on Jan 10, 2023. Prizes and certificates were given to the winners of first 4 levels. The winners are Ahmed Ali Al-Riyami (first place), Hafsah Mubarak Al-Harrasi (second place), Sarah Khalifa Al Wahaibi (third place), and Nadhim Ali AlFarsi (fourth place). This contest gave the students a unique chance in logical thinking, and memory skills. Along with enhancing your ability in problem-solving.

GUbridge students participated in ‘English Karak’ – an informal conversational setting that allowed students to practice and improve their English-speaking skills held on 20th December, 2022.

High achieving GUBridge English students were selected for a spelling and grammar competition held on the 4th December, 2022.

Math Club has conducted an event of “Building Blocks Challenge” on the 28th of November 2022. The aim of this challenge is to advance the development of cognitive and collaborative skills of students. The members of the winning team are Maraj Ahmed Al Zadjali and Khadijah Rashad Al Taysiri.

GUbridge IT club members participated in the Logo Competition held on 23 Nov 2022. The purpose of the competition is to find a logo that can be used as an official logo of the IT club. The winners are first place is Al Azwar Al Mohamed (22-0479), second place is Ahmed Al Farsi (22-0319), and third place is Sara Al-Busaidi (22-0095).

GUtech Students won the First Prize in the Math League – 2 Competition organized by Modern College of Business Studies (MCBS) on 17th November 2022.

GUbridge Math Club hosted a friendly Geometry Competition to Foundation Year students consisting 3 members in each group. It was held on 31 Oct 2022.  This competition aimed to enhance the students’ geometry and teamwork skills. The members of the winning group are Abdullah Hamdan Al-Maqbali, Al-Zubair Hussain Al-Maqbali, and Al-Mahdi Rashid Al-Qarni.

Students orientation for Foundation Year Programme was held on Sep 26, 2022.

Students from Foundation Year Programme joined the IT Quiz Bee on June 1.5, 2022. Students who won the first place are Khalid Al Maskari (21-0124), Reem Al Habsi (21-0218), and Said Al Siyabi (21-0223).

SQU’s English Translation Society visited GUbridge on March 13, 2022 GUbridge to meet GUS Club in order to share thoughts and experiences they have had over the last few years.

March 9, 2022, two of GUbridge students; placed in level A; participated in a speaking contest conducted at Middle East College.

Students participated in the online debate competition on 26 Dec 2021.